ABZ App Apps

ABZ Cantonese Flashcard Lite
Learn how to read and speak basic Cantoneseand English vocabulary! Flashcards contain native spoken Englishand Cantonese audio and traditional Chinese characters. Great forbabies, toddlers and even adults!This is a flashcard app I made for my two munchkins. It all startedwith the decision of teaching my daughter English first to makesure she can communicate with others at daycare. All was well untilone day grandma was trying to converse with her via Skype but sheignored grandma because she couldn't understand what grandma saidnor would have been able to respond back in Cantonese. It was heartbreaking and hence I am determined to find ways to keep my kidsexposed to Cantonese and aid them in learning this language. I hopeit will help you as it did for me. If you see where I can improvethis app, please let me know and I will gladly do what I can.Cheers!